All week every class in the school has been participating in various activities to increase exercise during these short, dark days! The children had so much fun and we finished today with a whole school dance which was practised all …

Ní neart go cur le chéile
Ní neart go cur le chéile
All week every class in the school has been participating in various activities to increase exercise during these short, dark days! The children had so much fun and we finished today with a whole school dance which was practised all …
As we approach the end of the term here’s a quick recap of what turned out to be the best week of the school year!! All at Scoil Íosa would like to extend a huge thanks to Ms. Phillips, Ms. …
3rd and 4th class had lots of fun yesterday at their rugby blitz which was held at Ballyhaunis RFC. Thanks to all the organisers and teachers who made it possible.
Scoil Íosa would like to extend a huge congratulations to our own 5th class student, John William Burke, on his latest award with the Connaught Telegraph for his golfing success. John William was first awarded the prize for the month …
Last Thursday, over 30 children from Scoil Íosa participated in the IRFU World Cup rugby blitz which was held in Ballyhaunis Rugby grounds. Schools from all around East Mayo attended and despite the rain it proved to be a great …
Recently children from 4th and 5th class enjoyed a day of rugby in Ballyhaunis Rugby pitch organised by the IRFU.