Newsletter for Parents April 2024

Parent Newsletter 

16th April 2024 

 Dear Parents, 

As we head into what will be a very busy term, I would like to bring the following to your attention. 

 School Uniform. 

Parents are reminded that children should adhere to the proper school uniform. There has been some slippage over the previous term. In the event of the weather improving and the temperature rising as it did last year, there may be a decision taken to allow the children to wear shorts. 

 First Holy Communion 

First Communion takes place on Saturday May 18th in St Patrick’s Church at 11a.m. Boys should wear a grey pants, black shoes, white shirt, and red tie. There will be an official photographer at the ceremony. 


Enrolment of new Junior Infants pupils will close at the end of April. For those new enrolments outside of the Junior Infant classes, we strongly suggest that this should be completed as soon as possible as places in the school are very limited and we cannot guarantee placement in all classes. 


18th, 19th 22nd, 29th & 30th April: HSE Health Screening (Hearing, Sight etc) Jnr Infants and newcomers. 

Friday 3rd May & Monday 6th May: School closed (May Bank Holiday) 

Saturday 18th May: First Communion @ 11a.m. 

Monday May 20th – Friday May 24th: School Standardised Testing 1st – 6th Class 

Friday 24th May: Junior Infants School Tour 

Monday 27th May – Friday 31st May: School Wellness Week. 

Monday June 3rd: School closed for June Bank Holiday 

Monday June 10th – Friday June 14th: Active Schools Week (including school sports days) 

Wednesday 12th & Thursday 13th June: Incoming Infants parents open afternoons. (2-3p.m.) TBC 

Friday June 14th: 6th Class School Tour. 

Tuesday June 18th: Sixth Class graduation (Time tbc) 

Friday June 21st: Final Day of School Year (School closes @ 12p.m) 


School Building 

I am delighted to inform you that the school BOM has finally received the go ahead to commence construction of a modular building incorporating 4 mainstream classrooms and two SET rooms. The Board has worked tirelessly on this project over the last two years during which we have encountered several obstacles. I would like to thank both the former Board and the hew board for their efforts in getting this project to fruition. This should go some way to alleviating the unacceptable conditions in which our children have been accommodated over the past two years. I pay tribute to our wonderful teachers and SNAs for their efforts despite the difficult working conditions in which they found themselves. While we still have a deficit in terms of classrooms which will be addressed in the new school year, the new buildings will nevertheless allow us to move forward with some sense of normality.  

 After School Activities. 

After School Activities have now commenced and will continue for a five week period. Please make sure that the children are collected promptly at 4 p.m. 

 School Attendance 

It is very important that children attend school every day unless there is a compelling reason for absence. The class teacher must be informed where pupils are absent and the reason for the absence. It is also of paramount importance that the children are punctual in coming to school and that they are not habitually collected early from school. If patterns exist showing children are removed from school early on an ongoing basis, the school has an obligation to refer this to the TUSLA education welfare service. 



Congratulations to our fourth class teacher Eimear Finn and her husband Danny on the birth of their son Bobby and to another of our fourth class teachers Sarah Scully on her upcoming marriage. 


We remind parents that the latest Art classes will commence tomorrow, Weds 17th at 7:30p.m. in the Friary resource centre. The classes are free of charge and are financed under a partnership between the Friary Resource Centre and the DEIS scheme. There are still a few places remaining. Those interested should contact HSCL Sheena Flanagan at 087 6261531. 

 Sports Achievements. 

Congratulation to our Sixth Class pupil, Andrea Ward on winning the All Ireland boxing title and to her sister Bethany, our past pupil on making it a family double by winning her grade. Well done to both girls. 

 Finally, as you can see this will be a very busy term not alone with those events listed above but also with a number of sports leagues and tournaments in Football, Hurling and Camogie. It is vitally important that the children do not lose focus and that they keep the momentum going for the duration of the term. We thank our parents body for their continuing support and assistance. We are very lucky to have the cooperation of all of the school community which contributes in no small way to our success. 

 With Thanks,

K. Dennedy